Böpple Bau GmbH


Insights of the project

Böpple Bau GmbH has joined forces with BIM GLW to carry out comprehensive BIM company consulting. The goal of this project is to digitize and optimize the company’s construction processes by implementing the BIM method.

The first step was to conduct BIM workshops to familiarize employees with the basics and in-depth knowledge of the BIM method. This was followed by a detailed as-is analysis to evaluate the current status of BIM implementation and the existing processes in the company.

Based on the results of the as-is analysis, a tailor-made concept was created and concrete BIM goals for future use were defined. An important part of this concept was the target process modeling, which defined the desired processes for optimizing workflows and integrating BIM methods.

Another important step was the software-independent definition of the required interfaces and the selection of suitable software solutions to ensure that the new processes can be smoothly integrated into the existing IT infrastructure. The software was selected independently of existing software preferences in order to find the best possible solutions for the specific needs of Böpple Bau GmbH.

